CINCH Hydrofoil / KneeboardProducts

Your #1 source for CINCH Products.

Stay Seated and Enjoy the Flight!


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FootWraps, adjustable bindings.  New design!  FootWraps, shown with additional FootStays, are very easy to install and hold your feet to the board for the most secure ride yet.  Footwraps replace the rubber bindings and overlays and save about a pound on your overall Ski weight.  Fully adjustable nylon covered neoprene pads add a measure of comfort  as compared to standard bindings.  The Foot#Wraps will make your feet 'giggle' around the lake! 

Beware of 'knockoff' FootStays.  If it doesn't say CINCH Hydrofoil Products on the label, it's not the 'original' FootStay.        

Get your mind off your equipment and concentrate on your ride!


 Your 1 Stop source for Original CINCH Hydrofoil and Sky Ski Products. 

Safety and Customer Service are Top Priorities at CINCH!


At CINCH, we know the difference between activity and achievement! This has been instrumental in keeping CINCH on the cutting edge of Price Point and Customer Service. We listen very well and are constantly striving to introduce products that will enhance your Hydrofoil/Kneeboard experience. Thank you for helping make CINCH Products the most popular aftermarket items for your Hydrofoils and Kneeboards! CINCH will have exciting additions to the existing Product lines during 2025!

We are excited about the sales this past year.  Hopefully 2025 will be a Great year for all of you.  Thanks to you all for being Great Customers!

Have a safe and 'high flyin' 2025! Enjoy!



         New!  CINCH Release with Manual Release function. 

         Manual Release and swivel.   $120.00


*The CINCH 'Max'® aftermarket watersports strap is being used by more Hydrofoil/Kneeboard riders than all other straps combined. We appreciate that!

*CINCH 'Max'® is a 2" wide, heavy nylon webbing that is compatable with all Hydrofoils/Kneeboards having footman loops, swivels or Angled Footman Brackets.

*CINCH 'Max'® allows you to get your mind off your equipment and concentrate on your riding.

*CINCH 'Max'® is the ORIGINAL 2:1 watersports strap. In production for 27 years!  Often imitated, but never done just right!

*At CINCH, our mission is 'quality construction', 'rider satisfaction' and 'prompt delivery'.... PERIOD!

*CINCH products are manufactured in the USA for Hydrofoils, by Hydrofoilers, to exacting specifications using the absolute best materials.

*Click on the CINCH Product/Prices page for more information on Ordering.


62250 Bayou Road
Plaquemine, LA 70764 USA
225.659.3058 (office)
225 938 2501 (cell) 

Sky Ski


Our focus at CINCH is to allow you to ENJOY your ride without worrying about your equipment!